For numerous students, Year 11 poses academic challenges. Drawing from my own experience, I aim to guide in managing and overcoming the associated stress.
Entering Year 11 can be stressful as GCSEs approach rapidly, and teachers often mention that 'Year 11 goes by so quickly, soon you will be taking your GCSEs.' Despite Year 11 passing swiftly, it is considered the most enjoyable year of secondary school. During Year 11, students are granted more independence and additional privileges. I also discovered that in Year 11, I formed strong bonds with my classmates as we faced similar challenges. Eventually, you complete your GCSEs and are rewarded with a three-month summer break free from school.
In Year 11 you may feel stressed, it is normal.
Remember that everyone feels that way, even if they do not show it.
I found that going to the gym during my study leave helped me. Many studies have also shown that sports can help with stress. I have found that this has also really helped me.
I also found that regular meetings with my friend group, such as BBQs or going to the cinema, helped us all have fun and forget about the stress of exams. I would recommend to all Year 11s to stick close to their friends as they are going through the same situation as you.